glycemic chicken

Why Use The Glycemic Index?

The Glycemic Index (GI) can help you to determine which foods are the healthiest to eat and in what proportions. It is possible to allocate different foods a specific figure that relate to carbohydrates.

What Is It?

The Glycemic Index can be used as a ranking of carbohydrates based on their immediate effect on blood sugar levels.

A scale of 0-100 is used depending upon the rate at which they raise blood sugar levels after eating.

It is a great method to assist with sustainable weight loss and control.

What Creates The Index?

We know it's easy to establish exactly which nutrients are contained in foods as well determining which foods you can eat in order to gain a slow and steady energy release throughout the day.

Carbohydrates that are broken down quickly during digestion have a High Glycemic Index. i.e. the blood sugar response is high and fast.

Why Carbs?

Carbohydrates that are broken down slowly during digestion release glucose into the bloodstream gradually.  These have a lower Glycemic Index. High GI foods can help to replenish carbohydrate stores after exercise. Low GI foods can improve endurance and help to make you feel full up for longer.

They can increase the bodys sensitivity to insulin and help to control diabetes. This can mean a smaller rise in blood sugar levels after meals.

What Is A Low GI Diet?

Low GI diets are very healthy and foods with a low GI include breakfast cereals based on oats, barley, bran and wholegrain bread. White bread has a high GI. It may also be advisable to reduce consumption of potatoes ad increase the amount of fruit and vegetables you eat, preferably to the extent of consuming at least five different portions a day.

What Is The GI Range?

The GI range suggests that low is 55 or less whereas medium GI values fall between 56 and 79 and a high GI value is depicted by a figure of 70 or more. Glycemic Load (GL) expands on GI to provide a measure of total Glycemic response to a food.

To calculate the load, simply multiply the Index percentage by the number of grams of carbohydrate per serving. Use food labels to find out some of these figures. A typical diet contains anything from 60-180 GL units per day.

The GL range indicates low figures of 10 or less, medium figures of 11-19 and high figures of 20 or more. Per day, a low GL is considered to be less than 80 while more than 120 represents a high GL.

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